Monday, September 29, 2008

Gombloh - Kugadaikan Cintaku

30 September 2008, at 00.00 WIB.

In the middle night..

My MP3 Player random and automatically playing this song. Its regularly i always stay playing music when I am sleeping. but this songs disturbing my mine.
i feel memory back to 5 years ago when i was in High School.

in that time we in small group ( about 7-8 person ) have an project making gymnastic including movement and step by step report. The deadline is only 2 weeks. After Confusing choosing which song's that we have to take, our friend Ms Andina F ( now he work in Ice Campigna) as our choreographer forcing to use this song.( i dont know why she choosing this song, do this song related to her personal live ? he he2x..)

The story line of this song is about her/his ( boy/girl) friend betrayal. the time when she/he want date at Saturday night, he seeing this betrayal.
please see this video for detail.

these are the lyric


Di Radio Aku Dengar Lagu Kesayanganmu
Kutelepon Di Rumah Mu Sedang Apa Sayangku
Kuharap Engkau Mendengar
Dan Kukatakan Rindu

Malam Minggu Pukul Tujuh Aku Apel Di Rumah Mu
Kubersiul Dan Bernyanyi Membayangkan Dirimu
Bercanda Dan Bercumbu Duduk Berdua Denganmu

Tetapi Mimpi Apa Aku Semalam
Kulihat Engkau Duduk Berdua
Bercanda Mesra Dengan Seorang Pria
Kau Cubit Kau Peluk Kau Cium

Di Radio Aku Dengar Lagu Kesayangan Mu
Kututupi Telingaku Dengan Dua Tanganku
Biarlah Cepat Berlalu Dan Kugadaikan Cintaku

Kugantungkan Cintaku Yeee..

Kugadaikan Cintaku ....


ha ha ha.. so funny isnt it..
Then His/her friend says " Lha, koen sopo Leee !"

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